22 August 2009

Samy yusuf - You came to me, new single

Peace be with you all and Ramadan Kareem
, Finally, the Music video is released and I hope you all like it. The video was recorded in Denmark and directed by the talented Jacob Vitt. Personally, I feel this is one of my favorite videos due to the following: a) the quality - which is actually difficult to truly appreciate due to the compression on Youtube etc; b) The simplicity, elegance and grace it carries; c) the Western/European 'feel' about it - which I love - combined with the Islamic Calligraphy works so naturally and beautifully d) Less is More - as in effects are not 'blown out of proportion'. The Motion graphics (the 'magic') was done by one of the (if not The) best Motion Graphics companies in Denmark www.thankyou.dk They truly did an amazing job with this and went way out of their way and what was expected of them in insuring this project turned out special! They really managed to make the motion graphics look cool without it becoming 'cheesy'. I'm so pleased and honoured that one of the reasons they put so much heart/love in this project was because they really loved the song! Thank You thankyou :-) I'd like to thank the entire team for making this clip so beautiful and blessed. God Bless you all and Ramadan Karim Sami

1 comment:

  1. sami yusuf you are great man .i wish to you all the best in your life .i always wait your news and anything about you .and this video is amazing like all your videos. your faithful nirmyne from algeria.
